Church in Bethesda is a fellowship of many different backgrounds, cultures, ages, and interests. As a multi-denominational church we are guided by a set of values that shape all we do.

You may read more about them below.


We study the teachings of Jesus to discover how God wants us to live today. By imitating the life that Jesus lived, we seek become the very best versions of ourselves, relying on the Holy Spirit to guide us on our path.

Scripture & Teaching

The Bible is the tangible roadmap for our lives. We also look to science, reason, and the wisdom of other faith traditions that are seeking to foster a more just and generous world.


We are committed to justice and equality for all people. We work to spread grace and love across gender, race, sexuality, nationality, differently-abled, socioeconomic lines, and anything else that tries to divide people.



We are committed to being living examples of the core message of Jesus, loving God and people. We partner with many different organizations, institutions, and movements for the betterment of the world.


“Leitourgia” (Greek, for liturgy) is a composite of two words; “lentos" (people) and “ergo” (to do). In its purest form, we see that liturgy is the “doing of the people.” In our worship, we participate in the work of God together.


Our faith teaches us to value every human being and to focus on building healthy relationships. We are committed to fostering environments of sharing, open dialogue, diversity, care, and encouragement.



We are committed to offering space and time for people heal from the pains of everyday life and from past faith experiences.  We are a place of comfort and support, never causing harm to others.


We are an open, inclusive, affirming faith community. Our doors are open to all, regardless of race, religion, gender, or sexuality. You are invited to be who you are here, and love who you love here.


Our church is governed with a consensus model. A "Servants Group," comprised of people from the congregation, leads us and sets the direction for our community. All are encouraged to contribute ideas, opinions, and wisdom.